Profile PictureJames Marinero

Red Sea Gold - Thriller: Kindle and ePub formats

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This action thriller is a special abridged promotional version of ‘Gate of Tears’.

Steve Baldwin (an ex Royal-Marine) and a ruthless female Serbian psychopathic assassin collide with a gold mining entrepreneur, espionage and Chinese expansionism and carrier-busting missiles.

Set in the hotspot of the Yemen and Red Sea - where the Bab el Mandeb separates Africa and Asia – duplicity is the name of the game at all levels and NATO naval forces are lined up to go head to head with the Navy of the People's Republic of China.

Mix in political intrigue and the scene is set for savage and gritty action.

Interview with the Author

Q: What makes Red Sea Gold and its main character Steve Baldwin special?

A – I try to write books of the type that I like to read. Red Sea Gold is a shortened introductory version of ‘Gate of Tears’ which was the first book I wrote with Steve Baldwin as the main character. It also introduced the much-loved (if that’s the right phrase) psychopathic female Serbian assassin Maruška Pavkovic.

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Red Sea Gold - Thriller: Kindle and ePub formats

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